
Ubuntu 10.04的apt里带的pgAdmin是1.10,只能连接pg8.4及以下,但是我要连一个服务器是9.1的,只好装个高版本。结果编译源码安装碰到些问题,google了英文资料也不多,自己试了几下解决的。记录一下:

OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
pgAdmin: 1.14 source code


make install

Trouble shooting:

1. configure: error: Could not find your PostgreSQL installation. You might need to use the --with-pgsql=DIR configure option

apt-get install libpg-dev

2. configure: error: Could not find your wxWidgets installation. You might need to use the --with-wx=DIR configure option

apt-get install wx-common libwxgtk2.8-dev

3. configure: error: Could not find your libxml2 installation. You might need to use the --with-libxml2=DIR configure option

apt-get install libxml2-dev

4. configure: error: Could not find your libxslt installation. You might need to use the --with-libxslt=DIR configure option

apt-get install libxslt1-dev

5. ./db/keywords.c:33:27: error: parser/kwlist.h:...

apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-8.4
